More Flower Topped Boxes

Oh my goodness, I am having so much fun with these boxes! I now have 25 made for the upcoming holidays.

These particular ones were created using a shiny, metallic paper. I distressed the flower center using sandpaper so that it would stand out even more. I was going to add ribbon but I think these boxes are so pretty that they don’t need anything else.

I actually have another idea brewing for this box. I was thinking of making the template smaller and putting 24 of them together somehow for use as an advent calendar. Hopefully I’ll have the chance to work on this over the next week.

This template is available for purchase in my Paper Templates Webstore.

Flower Topped Boxes

Gift Boxes – The Holidays are Approaching

Anyone who knows me knows that I have an obsession with gift boxes and this next box just makes me giddy! It is small and unique but, best of all, it is so freaking adorable! I just want to point out that this box is not my original design but I did draw the template based on finished boxes that I saw on party favor website.

Since the Holidays are quickly approaching, I got a small jump on things and made 12 of these boxes to use for gift giving. While this box does look intricate, (yes it does require a fair bit of scoring and folding), they actually go together fairly quickly and easily once you get the grunt work done.

This template is available for purchase in my Paper Templates Webstore.

Hanukkah Templates – Dreidel Gift Box and Star of David Gift Box

I had a request for a couple of Hanukkah templates and here is what I came up with; A Star of David gift box and a Dreidel Gift Box.

The Dreidel Box turned out so cute and is quite easy to put together. It opens at one end so you can fill it with your favorite holiday treats. The template comes complete with the four Hebrew letters which you can cut out.

Dreidel Gift Box

Dreidel Gift Box Open

I also drew a ‘Star of David’ gift box. Of the two templates, this one is the harder one to assemble. It isn’t hard but you really need to be accurate with this one as the pre-measured sides are precise. If your score lines are off, the template won’t go together as clean as it should.

Star of David Gift Box

Star of David Gift Box Open

Both templates are available for purchase in my Paper Templates Webstore and both come with assembly directions.


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Sleigh bells ring, are ya listenin’?

I know it’s only fall but it certainly feels like winter around my house. The flu season has begun and has took aim at my youngest child, Jenna. Since Friday we have been battling a 103 degree fever, dry cough, sore throat, and just general nastiness. I am literally going on one hour of sleep today as my daughter turns into the most cranky, clingy child when she’s ill and her inner beast emerges every night from the hours of 12am and 5am. Ugh! Goodness knows there is no job on earth harder than that of a mother.

Anyway, on to today’s template! I received an email from one of my blog readers – hi Audrey! – who asked if  I would be able to create a Christmas template that would be suitable for a table centerpiece. I had created this sleigh template last year but did very little with it. I took another jab at it today, modifying the rails so that it would be able to withstand some weight. I only wish I knew how to use my camera to take stunning photos for you.

This template is available for purchase in my Paper Templates Webstore.

Happy Graduation!

I was able to spend some time yesterday finalizing these little graduation cap gift boxes. I think they turned out super cute!


This template is available for purchase in my Paper Templates Webstore.